Bui Thien Luan who was born 1991 is finding  73 year  old Bui Thien Loc
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Title : Bui Thien Luan who was born 1991 is finding 73 year old Bui Thien Loc
ID : 2360
Đã kiểm duyệt
Found : 143 month, 28 day
I. Information of seekers
Full name : Bui Thien Luan
Nickname :
Gender : Nam
Birth year 1991
Hometown : Hải Dương
Bui Thien Luan who was born 1991 is finding  73 year  old Bui Thien Loc
Bui Thien Luan who was born 1991 is finding  73 year  old Bui Thien Loc
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Missing person information
Full name : Bui Thien Loc
Nickname :
Birth year : Khoảng năm1959-1962
Gender : Nam
Hometown : Hải Dương
Missing address : Hoa kỳ,
Missing time : 2008
The person you`re looking for : Children
More information
Mr. Bui Thien Loc was my father. He went the United States in about 2008 with his wife Tran Thi Hong Nhung and her two sons and daughter. I know my father is ARVN soldier, then he worked ondesign and construction for several years. Now, I have lost contact with my father.
Contact information
Living place : Hải Dương
Office address :
Email :
Phone :
Mobile phone : +84 0904352241
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