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Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo find grandson number 98 - Apr 15, 2013












The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo presented the returned grandson number 98, named Martin, who was born within the marriage between Guillermo Amarilla and Marcela Molfino, both of them missing in the last military dictatorship. 

Yellow-Molfino Martin was born in Campo de Mayo hospital during 1980 and until yesterday did not know the origin of his family.

Martin Amarilla Molfino was born in Campo de Mayo hospital in the 1980′s and until yesterday he was unaware of his family’s origin.

What is unusual about this case is that neither Martin’s brothers nor the rest of the Amarilla Molfino family knew about his existence, because they never knew that the mother, Marcela Molfino, was pregnant at the time she was detained.

Amarilla Molfino became suspicious abut his true identity after learning that his father, who was an official, now deceased, was an intelligence agent.

It was then decided to go to the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo headquarters to undergo DNA tests and compare them to those filed in the organization’s database, said Estela Carlotto.

Martin’s parents belonged to a guerrilla group and they didn’t see their families much before being arrested.

“It might be possible that not even her knew they were having another child,” said her brother, Guillermo.

His uncle, Guillermo Molfino, said that when the Grandmothers called him to perform the DNA test, they thought it was to identify Marcela’s remains, but it was a huge suprise when they found out about Martin’s existence.

In 1979, Martin’s father, Guillermo Amarilla, was arrested on the street, and Marcela in her home in the Buenos Aires province, along with her three children, her brother in law Ruben, and his two children.

The five children were returned to the family 15 days later while the three adults are still missing.

Marcela’s mother, Noemi Gianetti de Molfino, was kidnapped in Peru, in late 1980, while denouncing the disappearances in Argentina, according to a statement from the Grandmothers.

The news coincided with the second day of the trial against Reynaldo Bignone, last chief of the military board.


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